Non-polarization Beamsplitter Cube
Non-polarization Beamsplitter cube is consist of two right angle prisms,one of right angle prism's hypotenuse face has the non-polarization beamsplitter coating,the transmittance beam(or the reflecting
beam) consist of about 50% P light and about 50% S light,it is very
suitable for polaization senstive receiver applications.
Dimension Tolercance.......................±0.2mm
Clear Aperture....................................>90%
Flatness..................................λ/[email protected]
Beam Deviation.......................................<3'
Surface Quality....................................60-40
①Non-polarization beamsplitter coating on S1,T/R=50/50(±5%),|Rs-Rp|<5%,AOI 45°。
②V type anti-reflecting coating on S2,R<0.5%,AOI 45°。
P/N | Size | λ |
60401 | 10×10×10 | 532nm |
60402 | 10×10×10 | 632.8nm |
60403 | 15×15×15 | 532nm |
60404 | 15×15×15 | 632.8nm |
60405 | 25.4×25.4×25.4 | 532nm |
60406 | 25.4×25.4×25.4 | 632.8nm |
●Other sizes and coatings are available upon request.
●Other sizes and coatings are available upon request.